Sunday, May 5, 2013

May Newsletter

ACI 1 News
Date: April 29th - May 24th

Special Note:
Dear parents,

It looks like spring weather is finally coming and just in time to start learning about shadows. I'm also very happy to have 4 new students joining the class!
Last month, the students did a great job of making and sharing their "All About Me" books. There won't be any individual presentations for the month of May, but the students will work in groups making stories about shadows.

Unit 8: Measurement

This month’s unit is Light. We will learn about its properties and usages, and discuss and write about how we use light in different areas of our lives. We will also be learning about how we can make light using alternative energy sources through hands-on experiments and discussions.

Unit 9: 2D Geometry

This month we will be exploring 2D Geometry. We will be looking at the properties of different shapes. By comparing and contrasting 2D shapes through discussions and activities, we will be able to practice and become confident during this math unit.

English Language Arts:
Unit 9: Fun with Shadows

This month’s ELA Unit is Fun with Shadows. This instruction text will show students how to create props for their own shadow puppet story. Students will read and discuss how they can create stories. They will be learning about different creative writing strategies to assist them in the writing process. At the end of the month, though we will not have individual presentations, groups will work together to present their shadow puppet stories. 

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